Monday, June 1, 2009

Thoughts from Tyler

The last couple of days have been very interesting. I have spent most of the time in the Ubumwe Community Center. We have sat in on a variety of different classes. The class that sticks out in my mind the most is the class where about 20 or so deaf children were learning to sign and communicate. It was very cool for me to see their joyful outlook on learning and happy faces. In another room they have different stations for different crafts that they make. I sat in at one station and a couple men named John and Danielle taught me and walked me through making a picture frame from banana leaves. It was cool for me to experience this because I speak little Kinyarwandan and they spoke little English, yet we had no problem communicating. We also went down to some local soccer fields the other night and started up a game of Ultimate Frisbee which we taught to and played with some of the people there. They didn’t know the game or really how to throw a Frisbee but learned very fast and became very good. It was a very fun evening and was nice to get to know more Rwandan people.

Tyler Whittier

Masterminds Volunteer

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