Saturday, June 13, 2009

Dave’s Health Care Update.....

Hey all its Dave once again to update you on the health care front here in Gisenyi/Goma. This week I have just been creating the needed, but not so fun documentation for the programs UNGANA is establishing here in the area. I’ve also been working on medical supplies as usual and I had my final meeting with Dr. John before he headed off to Kenya to finish his PHD. The meeting simply confirmed that we both have very high hopes for the future of the projects and the partnership with the University of Goma.

This next week I hope to meet again with the Director of the Gisenyi Regional Hospital, Dr. Sam, to approve the design I’ve created and finalize understandings for our Medical Student Volunteer Program (MSVP) which is to commence the summer of 2010.

As I was sitting around the living room discussing issues with the volunteers we discussed the issue of mosquitoes. I can personally attest that I highly dislike these insects and would think the world better off without them, but that’s just me…. Anyway the topic of nets and screens came in and I proposed the idea of a project concentrating on supplying homes with window screens for the future. I recently attended a conference that stated the great impact of window screens in reducing cases of Malaria and other mosquito vectored diseases/parasites. Currently, the Rwandan government supplies all citizens with mosquito nets, but why not supply these people with screens that are permanent and creates a mosquito free house rather than a mosquito free bed? I don’t know random thought, but I would love to hear your opinion.

Well those are the updates and thoughts of the week……

Dave Kenika Kuwada
Health Care Associate

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nam and Eric are in India right now getting eaten alive by mosquitoes. It's dangerous, and at the very least, annoying. Good luck getting rid of those pests.