Sunday, May 31, 2009

This week in the continued journey of the health care project I have found myself privileged enough to join a group of Goma doctors in a Continuing Medical Education (CME) Conference. This meeting has been graciously hosted by a group of American doctors who have formed an organization by the name of DOCS, which stands for Doctors on Call for Service. The main objective of these conferences is to keep physicians in the area up-to-date on the advances of the medical field abroad, as well as help further the education process, resulting in skills that are continuously improving. Also, this week a few members of UNGANA trekked to the rural village of Rugerero to find out more about the health needs of surrounding villages. We were able to meet with community leaders who informed us of the vast need of medical supplies, availability of clinics, and financing to even go see a doctor. Even though the government of Rwanda covers 90% of health care costs the remaining 10% can still be a devastating bill for an average villager. It humbles me to see that resources of all types are so scarce here, and now I feel stupid for ever complaining about a $20 co-pay…

Well, as the work continues I find that referring to the initiatives set by the Rwandese government has helped me stay on track and know what I must focus my efforts on if I am to really make a difference. I’ve also learned that the meaning of UNGANA, to bring people together, is what will ultimately help me be successful in this battle to achieve these goals. The help of local leaders, clinicians, and friends have put this into perspective for me and I will keep this close in mind to honor that. Thanks again for checking in this week and I know that the future will be well worth the wait. So, mwirirwe (Kinyarwandan for “good bye”) for now…

Dave Kuwada

Health Associate

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