Monday, May 25, 2009

Education = Power

When we begin to see this simple equation as reality, we see its immense value. We do not expect our cell phones to work with an uncharged battery, nor do we expect our televisions to function while not plugged in. We even easily comprehend our folly when we are weak with hunger.

How then can we expect progress without education?

To give a person an education is to charge their batteries. Once this is achieved, several things can occur. The charge can lay dormant, slowly losing power as it lies without use. Or, it can spark a desire to act. With something as simple as an education, amazing things can take place. This is easy to note in conversation here in Rwanda. There is a literal hunger for knowledge. With the UNGANA MasterMinds Program almost underway, we can see how the children ache for increased learning. Our volunteers are working hard to prepare lesson plans that will sharpen the children’s minds, opening their brains to new concepts and increasing their desire to learn. Along with our Rwandan counterparts, we are hopeful that by working together, we can move in the right direction. This is our hope, and our mission.

UNGANA MasterMinds

The UNGANA Foundation

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