Thursday, July 2, 2009


The Ungana Foundation has been fortunate enough to develop a strong partnership with ULK (the Independent University of Kigali and second largest University in the country) and with Senator Balinda (Rwandan Senator and founder/director of the University).  

As a result of this partnership we have been fortunate enough to work with the University on multiple projects one of which being the development of an incubation center.  The incubation center is basically a resource center for students who want to begin their own businesses.  Eventually the center will include affordable short-term office space but for right now it will operate on the basis of informational resources and a series of labs.

The Ungana Foundation has made many observations about the business culture in Rwanda since beginning operations here, one of these observations being that many Rwandan university students graduate and take positions far below their qualifications.   This is due, in part, to a reserved nature and aversion to an entrepreneurial mindset. 

The labs that the Ungana Foundation will set up in the incubation center are centered around changing this mindset.  The labs utilize a mentor program, real world observation/case study, role play, and a community project to teach competitive thinking and leadership.  The incubation center is set to open in the next few weeks in Kigali and will then open at the Gisenyi extension campus as well.  

These type of entrepeneurial skills are a critical pillar of our foundation.  Designing and setting up this center has provided much of the base research and curriculum necessary for the entrepreneurial training program that the Ungana Foundation will launch in conjunction with a socially responsible business in the near future.  

Alyssa Callister


Ungana Foundation

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